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A member registered Aug 01, 2016

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hi nice game dude really like it keep the good work BTW i found a glitch in the map that you fall Infinity and your point keep stacking up

well what happen that first i get killed by mini alins then i spawn again in level where you get the nuke or bomb i hit my self with it after that my health stuck i can't regen or any thing it was glitchy sence that point even in next level it didn't fix i hopp it help but i don't think that what make it glitch good luke finding the resone

sorry about my bad english :)

sorry about that i fixed it

(2 edits)

best game ever :) keep the good job BTW : i found a glitch that make you impervious i hope you find it a fix it

thank you for making this wonderful game

i link a video to it :)